Thursday, March 17, 2005


Hello World!

Watching LOST!. Kinda boring. Will probably play some Need for Speed Underground 2. Or even Midnight Club 2. I should get some work done tonight, i'll probably will give that a go.

Wondering what the rest of the world is upto at the moment...

alrite, get some stuff done.


Monday, March 14, 2005


Alrite, a quick (kinda detailed) info about me..

I work as a web developer (contractor) for 2 government agencies:
I finished my bachelors in Infomation and Communication Technology (majoring in Software Engineering and Network Management). While studing, i've been working for the NSW DEC (ex-National Parks and Wildlife Service).

My hobbies, interest, etc are all outlined in the profile, so go ahead and check it out.

A few of the websites that i've been involved with are listed in the links section.

That's pretty much wraps it up, if you have any comments, do leave them.


Hello World!

It's a bit late, but i've joined the blog-world. A very busy man, so i'll try to update the blog as best as i can.

laterz y'all