Four jobs I’ve had
- Technical Architect
- Web developer
- System support (Unix)
- Internet/Intranet User/System support
Four movies I can watch over and over
- Lord of the Rings I II III
- Matrix I II III
- Star Wars
- Star Trek (the movies obviously)
Four places I’ve lived
- Sydney, Australia
- Auckland, New Zealand
- Hyderabad, India
- [my room]
Four TV shows I enjoy
- Simpsons (and Futurama, Family Guy, Daria, South Park)
- Anime (some types like Naruto, Bleech, Kenshin)
- The Office (UK version, I think the US version is a bit lame)
- Star Trek
Four places I’ve vacationed
- Boulder, Colorao, USA
- Berkeley, San Fransisco, USA
- All around New Zealand and Australia (while living in both countries)
- Singapore
Four of my favorite dishes
- Mum's cooking
- Fettuccine Carbonara
- Most Asian dishes (Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean)
- All types of deserts (yummm)
Four sites I visit daily
Four places I would rather be right now
- In bed (hang on, i'm already in bed :p)
- Somewhere cold (I miss Colorado, maybe in Canada)
- At a BBQ (hang on, i'm going to a Australia Day BBQ Pool party in about 1hr :p)
- Did I mention my bed? (oh yea i did)
Four bloggers I am tagging